Di Francesco

Poetics with code

Crystal delays

Single channel video
3:00 min

TDP International Dance Festival's Screendance 2018
Premiered at the Psych Space event at the East End Film Festival,
in conjunction with screening and talk, part of the Norman McLaren Retrospective
at the Whitechapel Art Gallery 2016

Crystal Delays is a dance film which captures the physicality and poetry of the dancer as he forms movement.
The movements are layered, in order to create a cascading performance of light.
In Crystal Delays, time delays are explored by slowing down the video and multiplying the single frames that compose the image, to break down individual body movement,
in order to recreate multiple frames, all slightly delayed from each other.
The piece is an homage to Norman McLaren “Pas de deux” (1968).

© Copyright Marta Di Francesco